A bureaucratic approach to a misunderstanding means that 360 elderly people who live with Tre Stiftelser in Gothenburg have to leave their homes if IVO (Inspektionen för vård och sorgh) wins the case in the highest administrative court. No one disputes the fact that we provide good and highly valued care for the elderly, it is a matter of pure technicality ( more>>> )
For me as director of Tre Stiftelser, it is a complex challenge, but I am not alone. In addition to connected lawyers, Jan Blomström and I also meet for proactive leadership support. Together, we capture what is happening and transform it into actions., for our own health, but also to make the management groups safe to maintain security in the business.
In turbulent processes, everything happens quickly and Jan and I meet every two weeks. We move quickly between analyses, strategic path choices, practical models and concrete actions, like a perfect lubricant where it squeaks at the moment. A variant of practical flexibility that might appear to be one of Jan's specialties.
Three Foundations conduct salutogen care and care, for a total of 360 people with assistance decisions according to the Social Services Act. The business is run as a foundation and consists of special accommodation for the elderly. The city council of Gothenburg appoints the board. The number of employees amounts to approx. 400, of which around 15 are managers.
We prioritize experiences and have several profile areas, such as our restaurants, gardens and activities.
Sandra Hultén Johansson
Director Three Foundations
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